A journey to Self-employment for a Young Graduate
Today, Kenya’s youth unemployment rate stands at 65 percent, among the highest in the world. Three in five unemployed Kenyans are 15 – 35 years old. The situation is exacerbated by a shrinking economy, political instability, and pervasive income inequality. Fortunately, FIPS-Africa in collaboration with Mission Grow Project is helping bridge this gap by working…
How FIPS-Africa’s Village-based Advisors are helping farmers to improve incomes from their indigenous chickens by reducing chick mortality
The number one cause of death of young chicks in Makueni County is predation by the dreaded eagle. Farmers may lose up to 100% of their young chicks to birds of prey in the first three weeks of their lives because they allow them to stray far from the house. Considering that a mature chicken…
How FIPS-Africa’s Village-based Dairy Advisors (VBDAs) are helping small-holder farmers in Western Kenya to increase their milk production
FIPS-Africa, with the support of ILRI and The Feed the Future Kenya Accelerated Value Chain Development program, is adapting its Approach to help small-holder farmers increase the productivity of their dairy cows. For a success story, see: